
首頁 > 商品購買 > 【吾穀茶糧SIIDCHA】靜岡玄米抹茶無糖-280G補充包






【吾穀茶糧 SIIDCHA】黑豆玄米抹茶 濃醇奶香調和酥脆玄米及日本靜岡抹茶,是吾榖茶糧最暢銷抹茶口味。 毛重:310 G

產品規格: 補充包280g/包|長寬高(mm):130x210+70|毛重:290g
剩餘庫存: 0




【 吾穀茶糧 靜岡玄米抹茶無糖 】濃醇奶香調和酥脆玄米及日本靜岡抹茶,是吾榖茶糧最暢銷抹茶口味。
【 擂茶文化新工藝 】
【 濃醇抹茶拿鐵手繪風,創新混搭 】
【 獲德國iF 設計大獎,文創精品獎等 】包裝精美適合送禮
包裝獲得德國設計界被譽為奧斯卡地位的iF 包裝設計大獎、文創精品獎等。且原材料進口,日式抹茶粉、加拿大進口非基因黃豆等,融合多種珍穀,研磨保留精華,濃郁醇綿,質樸悠長,低溫烘焙封存原味保留營養。
【 日本頂級綠茶品種、蒸氣殺菁 】另添加豐富穀物和燕麥
蒸菁綠茶:茶園 (Tea Garden)→生葉採收 (Harvest)→蒸氣殺菁 (Steaming)→ 冷 卻 → 粗 揉 (Rough Rolling) → 揉 捻 (Rolling) → 中 揉(Secondary Rolling)→乾燥 (Drying)→切割整形 (Cutting)→機器粉碎 (Grinding)→綠茶粉 (Green Tea Powder)
【 真材實料,100%無添加 】
【 吾穀茶糧 靜岡玄米抹茶無糖 】
【 創新混搭,天然好滋味 】
Matcha (Green Tea) Brown Rice - Sugar Free
Mellow milk plus natural selection of steamed green tea powder, nourishing crispy brown rice are our most popular matcha flavors.
【 最佳飲用方式 】
【 其他創意喝法 】
【 安心宣言 】
1 ) 無任何添加物
2 ) 100%台灣好茶:符合國際標準與台灣食品衛生安全法規,安心又健康的台灣茶。
3 ) 符合安全檢驗
【 馬口鐵備註 】鐵罐製作時偶有燒製的斑點紋路、些許髒污痕跡,此為正常現象,並非商品瑕疵。如能接受再下單謝謝您。
【 關於吾榖茶糧 】讓『食茶』塑造台灣新飲茶文化。
【 得獎獎項 】產品設計除 2013年榮獲 德國iF包裝設計大獎、文創精品獎、客家產品認證外,也榮獲國內外報章雜誌、電視媒體參訪報導。
【 嶄新的生活食茶空間 】除了堅持高品質、無添加外,我們以客家擂茶文化為底,將穀物玩味多變,衍生出許多變化巧思,致力於提升台灣的文創伴手禮。吾榖茶糧秉持 新台灣食茶趣 理念,讓文創不只是藝術品,更應該走入日常,享受一種美好生活體驗。
【 立即預約 】手感擂茶體驗活動~你將有機會和家人、朋友或情人一起體驗自己製作擂茶,品嚐擂茶時的天然香氣、感受最樸實原味的幸福,還能在九份同時欣賞無敵山海美景,是一大享受。九份食茶館品山海&穀香食茶 手感擂茶體驗 限量保留席【1人成團】,現場憑 Pinkoi【電子票券】加購茶品小物還享有 9 折優惠。
【 吾穀茶糧 食茶館 九份店 】
店面特色 >
地址 > 台灣新北市瑞芳區基山街166號(九份景觀台旁)
The new flavor of mixed grains are matched with green tea for delicate taste presented light green tea scent and the taste of soft light fragrance. We offer specialized Leicha products for your health.
Experience the Art of Slow Food, Enjoy the Perfect Life.
● Product features:
▌Award winning gift set: Recommended New Taiwan creative souvenir.
▌New Taiwan Souvenir with local features: Recommended health gift set.
▌New craft of Hakka Lei-cha. It satiates your hunger with balanced nutrition, less sugar recipe, mellow and refreshing taste.
▌Great gift with delicate package: Wining “iF Product Design Award” in German, Certification of Hakka production and cultural & creative award.
▌With 100% Taiwanese steamed green tea powder, Non-GMO Canadian soybeans, abundant grains and muesli, the palate is richly layered and contains more nutrients.
▌Genuine ingredients: no preservatives, no colors, no artificial flavorings, no creamer.It’s good for your health and the palate.
▌Special tea scent of steamed green tea powder: strong, mellow and inspiring.
▌Best choice for a gift and for one’s own enjoyment: Affordable and valuable.
● Best choice for a gift and for one’s own enjoyment: Affordable and valuable
We have all kinds of products with quality assurance. The taste of tea powder is richly layered, pure, with simple ingredients and fine powder. We also provide worldwide shipping. It’s the best choice for a gift, baking, home use, business use. No matter what reasons you buy, it can always suit your needs.
● Why Are Our Green Tea Powder Different?
In order to provide the healthy and delicious Hakka Lei-cha, we focus on the grains, green tea powder (the main ingredients of Lei-cha), professional research and production of matcha. However, some people may think all the green tea powder is the same. Let me introduce the difference between ”steamed green tea powder” and ”stirred green tea powder.”
There are two types of green tea powder in Taiwan. One is steamed green tea powder and the other one is stirred green tea powder. After the tea leaves are plucked, we need to kill green, preventing oxidation from occurring. In Taiwan, we usually choose “stir fixation.” The traditional way of stir fixation is frying the fresh leaves in the pan. To prevent from charring, the temperature is high and the tea leaves will dry directly, which makes the scent of tea leaf fully develop. In short, the stirred green tea powder is fast and cheap. The tea leaves become charred and discolored.
However, there are some drawbacks of stirred green tea powder. It tends to lose the nutrition of the tea leaf and the color of the powder is darker. Also, the taste is bitter and astringent. Therefore, most of the stirred green tea powder needs to add sugar, creamer or spices to make it more acceptable for the customers.
● Top Steamed Green Tea Powder
The cost of steamed green tea powder is higher but it can keep the nutrition, the freshness of powder and the rich taste. The production process of steamed green tea powder follows Japanese steamed way. With many steps of steamed fixation and the process of heavy rolling, light rolling and medium rolling, the steamed green tea powder with good quality gradually dries over and over again. Therefore, the aroma is nice and strong. If you savor the green tea leaf directly, you can absorb most of the natural substance in the tea leaf, like vitamin C, tea polyphenols, catechins, antioxidant, dietary fiber, and so on. Its medical theory is as same as the matcha powder. Only the color and taste are different. (That’s why people have called it “tea eating” (Chi-Cha) since the Tang and Song Dynasties)
● The way to tell the difference
Observing the tea liquid is the easiest way to tell the difference between “steamed green tea powder” and “stirred green tea powder.” If it has the dark color with bitter and astringent taste and easily precipitates, that’s stirred green tea powder. On the other hand, the principle of making steamed green tea powder is dissolving in the water, processing with steam fixation and drying slowly. Thus, the emerald liquid can retain the sweet aftertaste.
It is our lifelong goal to share the great green tea, matcha and Hakka Lei-cha with more and more people. Please try this Hakka Lei-cha which is made of this top steamed green tea powder.
● Real material , 100% No Addition
Soymilk powder instead of creamer powder
Maccha (Green Tea) Brown Rice
Mellow milk plus natural selection of steamed green tea powder, nourishing crispy brown rice are our most popular matcha flavors.
Directions: 30 grams of grain powder is added to 200 c.c. of water which should be heated up to 95℃. After stirring it evenly, you can enjoy the drink. You can also experience diversified tastes by adding milk and soy milk to the drink.